QuirofAM, the First Workshop on Surgical 3D Printing

Additive manufacturing is called to revolutionize the way products are manufactured. In the biomedical field, and more specifically in surgical practice, 3D printing allows the individualization of treatments in surgical test models, guides and implants for reconstruction and bioactive implants for tissue regeneration.

Following this, the CIM UPC organizes the QuirofAM workshop, which will be held at its facilities on Friday, March 1, to expose the best practices of hospitals, technology centers and companies that are applying this technology in their processes, as well as all the way to go. All these experiences, promoted by the “Llavor 3D” Additive Manufacturing Community (Ris3CAT Program of the Generalitat de Catalunya, with the support of the ERDF funds), are being strengthened in our country grouped in the QuirofAM project, also coordinated by the CIM CPU.

The workshop includes presentations on bioprinting, oncological surgery and the evolution that the last years have had in the hands of the professionals of IBEC, the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, IQS and Avinent. All this will be discussed with the speakers at a round table that will be energized by Felip Fenollosa, General Director of the CIM UPC.

Registro cerrado

The program of the workshop will be as follows:

09.30 – 10.00h – Recepción de los asistentes

10.00 – 10.20h – Bienvenida y presentación a cargo de representantes de la UPC y de ACCIÓ

10.20 – 11.20h – Ponencias:

  • Investigación de nuevos materiales para la impresión 3D de prototipos de ensayo quirúrgico. IQS
  • La utilización de la impresión 3D en el ámbito de Cranio-Maxilofacial. Avinent

11.30 – 12.00h – Coffee break. Networking y atención de consultas personalizadas

12.00 – 13.00h – Ponencias:

  • Bioimpresión 3D: aplicaciones actuales y perspectivas de

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